Saturday, May 23, 2009

We heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time.

I ordered a doppler (fetal heart monitor) a couple of days ago. I have been anxiously awaiting and today it arrived. We listened for about 20 min and could not find it. I was a little nervous but Cyndi has many symptoms of pregnancy now so I tried to have that comfort me. About four hours later we listened again, and Cyndi found it. We will try and download it on here when we learn how. I would love that little whoosh whoosh to be our music on this blog. The baby had a hear rate of 166. If you believe in some of the wife stales then it is a girl. Even though I think it's a boy.
I am counting the days until I get to try. In a turn of events I will be using the same donor as Cyndi for my first month trying. If it does not take then I will go with my backup donor for the next two months. If still no BFP (big fat pregnancy) then Cyndi will have to push one out and start over.
So If I get pregnant from her donor we will have blood siblings. If I don't get pregnant at all we will have full siblings via Cyndi.
Please anyone that reads this post, pray I get pregnant the first month like Cyndi. I want so badly to also carry a child and the first month would be ideal for a multitude of reasons.
Our baby is growing and Cyndi is too. She has that pregnancy glow that everyone talks about but I had never really witnessed it before. I have never been close to anyone during pregnancy and we are sharing so many first together. I think sometimes when you have had a past relationship with someone you think all your first are used up. Not with us. The biggest first, we are still madly in love with one another after two and a half years. We are having our first baby together. Jake and Joe will always be my baby's, but unfortunately I did not have the pleasure of having them until they were almost 5 and 8. Okay it is lat I can't sleep but should stop going on, if you do read our blog I am going to bore you.
Thank you GOD for giving me my family. Each one is different and is loved for their unique personality.

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