Monday, October 5, 2009

Baby clothes, Mr. Man, and a new hair cut for Joe

Pee Wee has been sick AGAIN. He is on four medications now. One makes him really sleepy. Does he look tired. He does get home cooked chicken and rice for meals now which he loves.
Joe's new haircut.

I have told everyone I had an addiction to buying baby clothes. These drawers are full and are only 0-3 months.

The plastic bin has clothes 3-6 and 6-9 months. Also full and bursting at the seams.

Yep, more clothes. The bottom row is Newborn and 0-3 mos. The top row is everything else. He has so many clothes I don't think he will have time to wear them before he grows out of them. ******Hi my name is Chantelle, I am a baby clothing shopaholic. It has been 10 days since I last bought baby clothing****** Baby socks don't count.

Joe's haircut was actually a punishment, however I do like it so much more when it is short. If you see him on here skin bald, you will understand why. Kids can be so stubborn sometimes. I love him all the same, but 16/18 years old is a tough age to handle.


  1. Okay, X's closet is totally looking like Blaze's. Spoiled Boys!!!! You and me need to, 'step away from the baby clothing isle!' Gerry and Cindy better not leave us alone in the store...double trouble we are.

  2. Big hugs to Pee Wee! We did the rice and chicken hand feed thing too. They are SOOO worth it.

  3. haha and i thought i had alot of clothes! shopping is fun. and its better to but for baby than to buy for yourself right now lol
