Monday, September 21, 2009

28 week Belly Shot

This is 28 weeks. We only have 12 more weeks to go. I am hoping she will go around 38 weeks, but I have a feeling she is going to either not start labor on her own, or she will go over 40 weeks. I can't wait. She wants a traditional birth and has not decided on an epidural or not. I am in love more each day I see my beautiful wife changing and growing, I feel our baby kicking like crazy. We cant wait to meet this little boy in there.

She is so wonderful. And the best mom ever. Baby X is lucky to have her for a mama. He will always be number one to her. Well tie for number one anyway.


  1. Great update and a beautiful belly shot! Time is going by so fast... baby x will be here before you know it!

  2. nice bump! Do you have any names picked out yet? We're having a boy and i think we've settled on two :) so far lol

  3. The time will come before you know it!

  4. Well you can call our pump 'P' then lol I hope that 'X' is well. P keeps moving lots and sleep is strange. Pregnancy has been good so far. And we both our loving how active he is because Sarah can actually feel him so she is connecting more. This is our first and we can hardly wait!

  5. SO great to see you guys tonight. Was wonderful to see the BIG smiles when you both held Blaze in your arms. You will be fabulous Mama's! Can't wait to see you again soon.

    Sending lots of love your way,
